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Human and Mother Nature【電子書籍】[ Andrea Arredondo Zanetta ] Human and Mother Nature【電子書籍】[ Andrea Arredondo Zanetta ] 132 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>This beautiful story and its characters invite us to be aware of our behavior and how small actions affect the environment and the world around us by being more loving and respectful.<br /> It is ideal to plant a seed of conscience in toddlers and young children and help them understand the importance of their decisions to make life brighter and better for everyone.</p> <p>Este lindo cuento esc・・・(以下省略)
The Princess on the Pea【電子書籍】[ Hans Christian Andersen ] The Princess on the Pea【電子書籍】[ Hans Christian Andersen ] 134 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>Once, there was a Prince who wanted to marry a Princess.</p> <p>Only a real one would do.</p> <p>So he traveled through all the world to find her, and everywhere things went wrong.</p> <p>There were Princesses aplenty, but how was he to know whether they were real Princesses?</p> <p>There was something not quite right about them all.</p> <p>So he came home again and was unhappy, because he did ・・・(以下省略)
The Galoshes of Fortune【電子書籍】[ Hans Christian Andersen ] The Galoshes of Fortune【電子書籍】[ Hans Christian Andersen ] 134 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>I t was in Copenhagen, in one of the houses on East Street, not far from King's Newmarket, that someone was giving a large party. For one must give a party once in a while, if one expects to be invited in return. Half of the guests were already at the card tables, and the rest were waiting to see what would come of their hostess's query:</p> <p>"What can we think up now?"</p> <p>Up to this poin・・・(以下省略)
Keegan and Big Grey【電子書籍】[ Michael Trigg ] Keegan and Big Grey【電子書籍】[ Michael Trigg ] 136 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>Keegan Clark lives in the little village of OceanPark. His best friend is his granddad, Grandpa Mack who in the eyes of Keegan is the best fisherman in the world. Grandpa Mack introduces Keegan to the world of fly-fishing and and tells Keegan about a huge brown trout that inhabits the stream that runs by OceanPark. This story introduces Keegan and relates the story of his first meeting with Big・・・(以下省略)
7 Kap? 7 ?ifre-Mevlana Celaleddin Rumi【電子書籍】[ Ey?p Y?ld?r?m ] 7 Kap? 7 ?ifre-Mevlana Celaleddin Rumi【電子書籍】[ Ey?p Y?ld?r?m ] 142 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>Sel?hadd?n-i Eyy?b?, M?sl?manlar?n bug?nk? d??t??? duruma benzer bir ?a?da ya?am??t?r. Onun ya?ad??? d?nemde ?sl?m topraklar? par?alanm??, ?mmetin birli?i bozulmu?, d??manlar her taraftan ?mmeti ku?atm??t?. Buna ra?men Sel?hadd?n-i Eyy?b?, tefrika ve zilletin zirve yapt??? birlik ve zaferin mumla arand??? bir d?nemde ?mmetin birlik ve beraberli?ini sa?layarak Sal?h?'d-d?nya ve'd-d?n lakab?na ma・・・(以下省略)
Why the Hare has a Split Nose - An Ancient Zulu Folk Tale Baba Indaba Childrens Stories Issue 02【電子書籍】[ Anon E. Mouse ] Why the Hare has a Split Nose - An Ancient Zulu Folk Tale Baba Indaba Childrens Stories Issue 02【電子書籍】[ Anon E. Mouse ] 145 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>ISSN: 2397-9607 Issue 02<br /> In issue 2 of the Baba Indaba Children's Stories, Baba Indaba tells the ancient African tale of How the Hare Came to Have a Slit Nose. The story also tells pf how the moon came to receive the scratches on her face. How did they get there you ask? Well you'll have to read the story to find out. Be sure to catch the moral of the tale at the end.</p> <p>Each issue al・・・(以下省略)
THE GIANT OF THE FLOOD - An ancient Sumerian/Babylonian Legend Baba Indaba Children's Stories - Issue 242【電子書籍】[ Anon E. Mouse ] THE GIANT OF THE FLOOD - An ancient Sumerian/Babylonian Legend Baba Indaba Children's Stories - Issue 242【電子書籍】[ Anon E. Mouse ] 145 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>ISSN: 2397-9607 Issue 242<br /> In this 242nd issue of the <em><strong>Baba Indaba’s Children's Stories</strong></em> series, Baba Indaba narrates the Sumerian/Babylonian story of “The Giant of the Flood”<br /> The foundations of ancient Chaldea, were laid as long ago as 5000 B.C. and were as early as those of ancient Egypt. In fact they were the sister colonies with a common cultural heritage.・・・(以下省略)
UNKTOMI AND THE ARROWHEADS - An Ancient Hopi Children’s Tale Baba Indaba Children's Stories - Issue 119【電子書籍】[ Anon E. Mouse ] UNKTOMI AND THE ARROWHEADS - An Ancient Hopi Children’s Tale Baba Indaba Children's Stories - Issue 119【電子書籍】[ Anon E. Mouse ] 145 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>ISSN: 2397-9607 Issue 119<br /> In issue 119 of the Baba Indaba Children's Stories, Baba Indaba narrates an American Indian-Hopi folktale about Unktomi (Iktomi) and the Arrowheads. Two friends, one impulsive the other thoughtful, One day they discover a large spider sitting in the midst of a great many flint arrowheads. The impulsive boy wants to give the spider a fright, but the thoughtful boy・・・(以下省略)
The Ferryman and The Mermaids and The Magic Guitar: Traditional Mermaid Folk Stories Collection【電子書籍】[ Melanie Voland ] The Ferryman and The Mermaids and The Magic Guitar: Traditional Mermaid Folk Stories Collection【電子書籍】[ Melanie Voland ] 145 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>A poor, young ferryman meets an old magician, who changes his luck and his life...</p> <p>This short story might not be good for young kids, as it is a bit scary at the end, but anyone else can read it.</p> <p>This is book number 13 in the Traditional Mermaid Folk Stories Collection.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
A STORY ABOUT A RABBIT - An Ancient Tibetan tale Baba Indaba Children's Stories - Issue 79【電子書籍】[ Anon E Mouse ] A STORY ABOUT A RABBIT - An Ancient Tibetan tale Baba Indaba Children's Stories - Issue 79【電子書籍】[ Anon E Mouse ] 145 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>In Issue 79 of the Baba Indaba Children's Stories, Baba Indaba narrates the ancient Tibetan tale of a rabbit who is wronged and sets out on a path of revenge with dire consequences. You’ll have to download and read the story to find out what happened. Don’t forget to look for the Tibetan proverb at the end of the story.</p> <p>Baba Indaba is a fictitious Zulu storyteller who narrates children's・・・(以下省略)
THE MERMAID - A children's tale told by H C Andersen Baba Indaba’s Children's Stories - Issue 396【電子書籍】[ Hans Christian Andersen ] THE MERMAID - A children's tale told by H C Andersen Baba Indaba’s Children's Stories - Issue 396【電子書籍】[ Hans Christian Andersen ] 145 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>ISSN: 2397-9607 Issue 396<br /> In this 396th issue of the <em><strong>Baba Indaba’s Children's Stories</strong></em> series, Baba Indaba narrates the Mexican legend, "THE MERMAID” by H. C. Andersen.</p> <p>You may be wondering why this book is titled “The Mermaid” and not “The Little Mermaid?””The Mermaid” is the original title and, it is thought, was only changed to the more poetic sounding “・・・(以下省略)
THE FISHERMAN AND HIS WIFE - A Ukrainian Fairy Tale Baba Indaba Children's Stories - Issue 452【電子書籍】[ Anon E. Mouse ] THE FISHERMAN AND HIS WIFE - A Ukrainian Fairy Tale Baba Indaba Children's Stories - Issue 452【電子書籍】[ Anon E. Mouse ] 145 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>ISSN: 2397-9607 Issue 452<br /> In this 452nd issue of the <em><strong>Baba Indaba’s Children's Stories</strong></em> series, Baba Indaba narrates the Eastern Fairy Tale of “The Fisherman and His Wife.”</p> <p>A long, long time ago and far, far away, in ancient Ukraine lived a poor fisherman and his wife on the Dnieper River delta near Kherson.<br /> One day he caught a flounder who begged to b・・・(以下省略)
Peter and Wendy or Peter Pan Anniversary Edition of 1911 - with 13 riginal illustrations【電子書籍】[ James Matthew Barrie ] Peter and Wendy or Peter Pan Anniversary Edition of 1911 - with 13 riginal illustrations【電子書籍】[ James Matthew Barrie ] 145 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>Now published by Wisehouse Classics, this is the unabridged Anniversary Edition of the original 1911 published novel "Peter and Wendy" (or "Peter Pan") with the original therteen illustrations by F. D. Bedford.<br /> "Peter and Wendy" or "Peter Pan" is J. M. Barrie’s most famous work, in the form of a 1904 play and a 1911 novel. Both versions tell the story of Peter Pan, a mischievous yet innoc・・・(以下省略)
A PHANTOM FUNERAL - An ancient Welsh tale from Cardigan Bay Baba Indaba Children's Stories Issue 76【電子書籍】[ Anon E Mouse ] A PHANTOM FUNERAL - An ancient Welsh tale from Cardigan Bay Baba Indaba Children's Stories Issue 76【電子書籍】[ Anon E Mouse ] 145 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>ISSN: 2397-9607 Issue 76<br /> In Issue 76 of the Baba Indaba Children's Stories, Baba Indaba narrates the old Welsh tale of the phantom funeral. A ghostly procession of mourners and wailers passes by a farm just before sunset one day. What happened next you ask…? Well a few things happened, there were some strange, some silly and some serious. But exactly what were they? To find the answers to・・・(以下省略)
THE FISHERMAN AND THE GENIE - A Children’s Story from 1001 Arabian Nights Baba Indaba Children's Stories Issue 223【電子書籍】[ Anon E Mouse ] THE FISHERMAN AND THE GENIE - A Children’s Story from 1001 Arabian Nights Baba Indaba Children's Stories Issue 223【電子書籍】[ Anon E Mouse ] 145 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>ISSN: 2397-9607 Issue 223<br /> In this 223rd issue of the <em><strong>Baba Indaba’s Children's Stories</strong></em> series, Baba Indaba narrates the Arabian Nights story of “The Fisherman and the Genie”.</p> <p>A poor fisherman toils day in and day out eaking a meagre living from his daily catch. One day he casts for the first time and his net is far heavier than usual so that he could scarce・・・(以下省略)
THE PRINCE AND THE THREE FATES - An Ancient Egyptian Fairy Tale BABA INDABA’S CHILDREN'S STORIES - Issue 291【電子書籍】[ Anon E. Mouse ] THE PRINCE AND THE THREE FATES - An Ancient Egyptian Fairy Tale BABA INDABA’S CHILDREN'S STORIES - Issue 291【電子書籍】[ Anon E. Mouse ] 145 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>ISSN: 2397-9607 Issue 291<br /> In this 291st issue of the <em><strong>Baba Indaba’s Children's Stories</strong></em> series, Baba Indaba narrates the Egyptian story of “THE PRINCE AND THE THREE FATES”.<br /> A son is born to great Egyptian pharaoh but when the fairies visit to bless this future ruler, they tell the pharaoh ‘It is written in the books of fate that he must die, either by a croco・・・(以下省略)
HORDEDEF’S TALE - An Ancient Egyptian Legend for Children Baba Indaba’s Children's Stories - Issue 365【電子書籍】[ Anon E. Mouse ] HORDEDEF’S TALE - An Ancient Egyptian Legend for Children Baba Indaba’s Children's Stories - Issue 365【電子書籍】[ Anon E. Mouse ] 145 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>ISSN: 2397-9607 Issue 365<br /> In this 365th issue of the <em><strong>Baba Indaba’s Children's Stories</strong></em> series, Baba Indaba narrates the Ancient Egyptian Tale "HORDEDEF’S TALE”.</p> <p>ONCE upon a time, long, long ago and far, far away, in the ancient land of Egypt, the royal son Hordedef then stood forth and spake. He said, "Hitherto hast thou only heard tokens of those who have ・・・(以下省略)
PANDORA'S BOX - An Ancient Greek Legend and a Moral Lesson for Children Baba Indaba Children's Stories - Issue 237【電子書籍】[ Anon E. Mouse ] PANDORA'S BOX - An Ancient Greek Legend and a Moral Lesson for Children Baba Indaba Children's Stories - Issue 237【電子書籍】[ Anon E. Mouse ] 145 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>ISSN: 2397-9607 Issue 237<br /> In this 237th issue of the <em><strong>Baba Indaba’s Children's Stories</strong></em> series, Baba Indaba narrates the perennial children’s story of Pandora’s Box, a story showing how important it is to overcome temptation and also a story to show that when all goes wrong, not all is hopeless and lost forever.</p> <p>When our old world was in its tender infancy, ・・・(以下省略)
THE RISE AND FALL OF THE TOLTEC EMPIRE - An ancient Mexican legend Baba Indaba Children's Stories - Issue 73【電子書籍】[ Anon E Mouse ] THE RISE AND FALL OF THE TOLTEC EMPIRE - An ancient Mexican legend Baba Indaba Children's Stories - Issue 73【電子書籍】[ Anon E Mouse ] 145 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>ISSN: 2397-9607 Issue 73<br /> In this 73rd story from Baba Indaba’s Children's Stories, Baba Indaba narrates the story of the founding of the Toltec empire in 566AD to it’s fall four hundred years later...... What caused it’s downfall you ask? Download and read this interesting story to find out, rewritten and shortened for children which tells of why good intentions without action are bad and・・・(以下省略)
CHILDE HORN - An Ancient European Legend of the Chivalric order Baba Indaba Children's Stories - Issue 134【電子書籍】[ Anon E Mouse ] CHILDE HORN - An Ancient European Legend of the Chivalric order Baba Indaba Children's Stories - Issue 134【電子書籍】[ Anon E Mouse ] 145 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>ISSN: 2397-9607 Issue 134<br /> In this 134th bedtime story from Baba Indaba’s Children's Stories, Baba Indaba narrates the legend of CHILDE HORN, son of king who is killed before Horn can ascend his father’s throne. Set adrift by the conquerors they land in a far-off land and are adopted by the king of that land. Horn grows and learns the knightly virtues of trust, loyalty and chivalry. He als・・・(以下省略)

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