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Enfermagem: eu s? quero o seu respeito【電子書籍】[ ?der Fortunato de Almeida ] Enfermagem: eu s? quero o seu respeito【電子書籍】[ ?der Fortunato de Almeida ] 503 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>O livro narra a hist?ria de Flor?ncio, um jovem de dezenove anos que resolve ingressar na ?rea da sa?de como t?cnico de enfermagem para obter um sal?rio maior em vista do que recebia como auxiliar de escrit?rio.A trajet?ria desde o in?cio do curso at? o momento em que se forma e consegue o seu primeiro emprego, digamos que foi um tanto quanto problem?tica, no quesito da adapta??o, mas em nenhum・・・(以下省略)
P?diatrie ECN Cas cliniques pour l'ECN【電子書籍】[ Alexandre Belot ] P?diatrie ECN Cas cliniques pour l'ECN【電子書籍】[ Alexandre Belot ] 2,913 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>La collection "Cas cliniques pour l'ECN" a pour objectif de d?livrer des conseils pratiques aux candidats sur le fond et la forme.<br /> Elle est constitu?e de 50 dossiers cliniques par ouvrage qui permettent ? l'?tudiant pr?parant l'Examen Classant National de s'entra?ner ? l'?preuve r?dactionnelle clinique. Ces dossiers sont r?dig?s par un professeur et un interne. Ils comportent :<br /> - le・・・(以下省略)
Les drones de loisir【電子書籍】[ Fr?d?ric Botton ] Les drones de loisir【電子書籍】[ Fr?d?ric Botton ] 2,427 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<h4>Un guide 100% pratique</h4> <p>Ce livre tr?s illustr? d?taille tout ce qu'il faut savoir sur les drones de loisir : panorama de l'offre sur le march? et orientation du choix, principes d'utilisation, pilotage, prises de vue et de vid?o avec un drone, s?curit?, l?gislation... Il regorge d'astuces et de conseils pratiques : comment faire durer sa batterie, r?aliser un panorama ? partir d'une vid・・・(以下省略)
Prestataire AMO - B?timent et travaux publics Guide pratique, technique et juridique【電子書籍】[ Leonard Hamburger ] Prestataire AMO - B?timent et travaux publics Guide pratique, technique et juridique【電子書籍】[ Leonard Hamburger ] 4,532 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p><strong>L'assistance ? ma?trise d'ouvrage</strong> s'exerce ? travers <strong>diff?rents m?tiers.</strong></p> <p>Outre l'AMO conducteur d'op?ration, on conna?t l'AMO financier, l'AMO juridique, l'AMO technique, l'AMO BIM, l'AMO environnement ou encore l'AMO planificateur, mais la diversit? des missions AMO est quasiment infinie. Comme l'attestent les r?f?rences des grands bureaux d'?tudes AMO,・・・(以下省略)
Larry Breaks The Cycle【電子書籍】[ Eevee Gracie Maribelle ] Larry Breaks The Cycle【電子書籍】[ Eevee Gracie Maribelle ] 1,603 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>This children’s story is the first of my series focusing on two seemingly unrelated things: Different facts-of-life AND science! For everyone, fear, worry, and anxiety are normal! But, for some of us, including Larry the hard-working water molecule at The Water Cycle, it makes it feel impossible to do anything! Join Larry and his three friends as they work through their fears and learn a couple・・・(以下省略)
Extratemporal Lobe Epilepsy Surgery【電子書籍】[ Mohamad Z. Koubeissi ] Extratemporal Lobe Epilepsy Surgery【電子書籍】[ Mohamad Z. Koubeissi ] 16,190 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>The theme of the Cleveland colloquium which took place in May 2010 was extratemporal lobe epilepsy surgery.</p> <p>Patients with refractory extratemporal lobe epilepsy, particularly those in whom imaging examinations did not reveal any brain lesions, have a less positive prognosis after surgery than those with mesial temporal lobe epilepsy.</p> <p>The semiology of seizures, the functional imagi・・・(以下省略)
Geospatial Practices in Natural Resources Management GEOSPATIAL PRACTICES IN NATURA (Environmental Science and Engineering) [ Pravat Kumar Shit ] Geospatial Practices in Natural Resources Management GEOSPATIAL PRACTICES IN NATURA (Environmental Science and Engineering) [ Pravat Kumar Shit ] 43,648 円 楽天ブックス
GEOSPATIAL PRACTICES IN NATURA Environmental Science and Engineering Pravat Kumar Shit Dipanwita Dutta Tapan Kumar Das SPRINGER NATURE2024 Hardcover 2024 English ISBN:9783031380037 洋書 Computers & Science(コンピューター&科学) Science
Decipherment of The Body Constitution of Difficult and Complicated Diseases 解密疑??症体?【電子書籍】[ Dan-Ya Wang ] Decipherment of The Body Constitution of Difficult and Complicated Diseases 解密疑??症体?【電子書籍】[ Dan-Ya Wang ] 1,372 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>根据「解密慢性病体?」与「解密糖尿病体?」的研究,人?会由健康而「罹患」慢性病是因?体?受到?坏,使身体逐??失某一?功能的?象,例如…当身体?失「控制血糖?定于正常范?的能力」,他将可能得到糖尿病。同?的,当身体?失「控制血??定于正常范?的能力」,他将可能得到高血?病。由于身体功能有数千?以上,当健康体?受到破坏,即可能得到「只能控制 无法治愈」的慢性病,当多?慢性病??的?候,就形成多?化的「疑??症」。</p> <p>治好「疑??症」的方法是:在妥善控制病情的状况下,兼着采用「?生自?八法?」?生?理身体以修?受?的体?,从?治的「三年多的手指??」(案例024)到命危的「心?衰竭」(案例069)等,本???逾百个「疑??症」修?的案例及相片,以提供?者参考。</p> <p>「疑??症」即使到末期,兼着使用「再生自愈?法」依然可以改善症状与体力精神、提高生活?量,?于患者与家・・・(以下省略)
Konsep Asas Rangkaian Komputer Level 1【電子書籍】[ Advanced Business Systems Consultants Sdn Bhd ] Konsep Asas Rangkaian Komputer Level 1【電子書籍】[ Advanced Business Systems Consultants Sdn Bhd ] 645 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>Rangkaian Komputer adalah sekumpulan peranti, dikenali juga sebagai nod, yang berhubungan dengan media penghubung. Nod boleh terdiri dari komputer, pencetak atau lain-lain peranti yang menghantar dan menerima data yang dihasilkan oleh nod-nod lain dalam rangkaian. Media penghubung juga dikenali sebagai media komunikasi.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリック・・・(以下省略)
Beginner's Guide to Reading Schematics, Fourth Edition BEGINNERS GT READING SCHEMATIC [ Stan Gibilisco ] Beginner's Guide to Reading Schematics, Fourth Edition BEGINNERS GT READING SCHEMATIC [ Stan Gibilisco ] 4,435 円
BEGINNERS GT READING SCHEMATIC Stan Gibilisco MCGRAW HILL BOOK CO2018 Spiral English ISBN:9781260031102 洋書 Computers & Science(コンピューター&科学) Technology
Beginners Guide to Sports Photography【電子書籍】[ Steve Rutherford ] Beginners Guide to Sports Photography【電子書籍】[ Steve Rutherford ] 960 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>This book, “The Beginners Guide to Sports Photography” is a part of the Beginners Guide to Photography Book Series, and will take you through a journey to discover how to master your camera, use all the settings with confidence and capture amazing extreme sports photographs;</p> <p>* The unknown SECRET TOOLS that are built into your camera.<br /> * The tricks and techniques you can use for ever・・・(以下省略)
STROKE Overcoming My Worst Nightmare【電子書籍】[ Sara Marie Anderson ] STROKE Overcoming My Worst Nightmare【電子書籍】[ Sara Marie Anderson ] 1,092 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>A 27-year-old woman returns home from the gym and her world changes forever when she nearly dies from a massive cerebellar stroke. Unbeknownst to her, Sara was taking combined estrogen and progesterone birth control medication while experiencing migraines with aura ー a potentially lethal contraindication. Progesterone-only birth control is the safest to take.</p> <p>After spending six months in・・・(以下省略)
Dark Web - Derin A? ?nternetin Karanl?k Y?z?【電子書籍】[ Mehmet Keskin ] Dark Web - Derin A? ?nternetin Karanl?k Y?z?【電子書籍】[ Mehmet Keskin ] 160 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>Bir?o?umuzun s?rekli ziyaret etti?i, zaman ge?irdi?i veya i?lerini y?r?tt??? internette; Google, Twitter, Facebook ve Amazon'un ?ok ?tesinde, ?zg?rl?k s?n?rlar?n?n zorland???, insanlar?n istedi?i kimli?e b?r?nebildi?i ve bu sayede istedi?ini yapabildi?i devasa boyutta gizli bir d?nya var.</p> <p>Dark Net, her g?n bir ?ekilde kula??m?za ?al?nan fakat ?ok az bilinen ve ke?fedilmemi? bir d?nyayd?.・・・(以下省略)
Microscopic Colitis Revised Edition【電子書籍】[ Wayne Persky ] Microscopic Colitis Revised Edition【電子書籍】[ Wayne Persky ] 4,113 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>Many gastroenterologists refer to microscopic colitis as a nuisance disease with a benign course. Some doctors seem to confuse it with IBS and they try to treat it as though it were IBS. For many patients though, the disease proves to be debilitating and life-altering, and the treatment options offered by one's doctor may not provide effective relief. Because there is a lot of truth in the obse・・・(以下省略)
Encyclopaedia of Ground Water and Sustainable Water Resources Management Planning, Design and Implementation (Water Management and Policy)【電子書籍】[ Ramesh Sharma ] Encyclopaedia of Ground Water and Sustainable Water Resources Management Planning, Design and Implementation (Water Management and Policy)【電子書籍】[ Ramesh Sharma ] 38,774 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>Uses of water mainly include household, agriculture, industrial and environmental activities. found as ground water and some in frozen glaciers and polar ice caps. The ground water extraction taking place was well established in the physical accounts. As ground water is a replenish able resource that needs to be consumed at the sustainable levels, it is imperative to avoid its excessive use thi・・・(以下省略)
An Amazing Journey into the Psychotic Mind - Breaking the Spell of the Ivory Tower【電子書籍】[ Jerry Marzinsky Sherry Swiney Swiney ] An Amazing Journey into the Psychotic Mind - Breaking the Spell of the Ivory Tower【電子書籍】[ Jerry Marzinsky Sherry Swiney Swiney ] 1,249 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>Psychiatry maintains the voices schizophrenics hear are meaningless auditory hallucinations caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain. Clinical investigation into the matter reveals this to be a false claim. Dr. Wilson Van Dusen, a clinical psychologist and author of “The Presence of Spirits in Madness” began holding coherent conversations with the voices of his schizophrenic patients decades・・・(以下省略)
Tau Functions and their Applications【電子書籍】[ John Harnad ] Tau Functions and their Applications【電子書籍】[ John Harnad ] 26,496 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>Tau functions are a central tool in the modern theory of integrable systems. This volume provides a thorough introduction, starting from the basics and extending to recent research results. It covers a wide range of applications, including generating functions for solutions of integrable hierarchies, correlation functions in the spectral theory of random matrices and combinatorial generating fu・・・(以下省略)
科學史上的365天:春卷【電子書籍】[ 魏鳳文 ] 科學史上的365天:春卷【電子書籍】[ 魏鳳文 ] 1,753 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p><strong>|一天一故事,?也能環遊科學史|</strong></p> <p>石墨?是石墨??<br /> 塑膠竟然也可以製造細胞?<br /> 反Google眼鏡是怎麼個「反」法?<br /> 大家都知道薛丁格的?,但?知道「惠勒?」??</p> <p><strong>◎發明大王的邪惡面:愛迪生電?大象事件</strong></p> <p>1890年,特斯拉所發明的交流電,蓋過了愛迪生所支持直流電的鋒頭。懷恨在心的愛迪生與動物園達成協議,以6600伏特的高壓交流電電?一隻暴躁的大象,1500名民?目睹了大象的死亡。<br /> 愛迪生藉機宣揚交流電是「致死電流」,甚至?人發明了臭名昭著的電椅,目的是想證明交流電不僅能殺死大象,還能殺人!</p> <p><strong>◎蜜蜂滅?的前兆:蜂群崩壞現象</strong></p> <p>2006年,《自然》雜誌上發表了這一驚人的現象:・・・(以下省略)
Ben Asl?nda Tatl?y?m【電子書籍】[ Defne Y??c? ] Ben Asl?nda Tatl?y?m【電子書籍】[ Defne Y??c? ] 219 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p>“Bu kitab?n d?nyay? de?i?tirmeyece?inin fark?nday?m ama bir ki?i bile ?ekersiz ve unsuz yap?lm?? nefis tatl?larla mutlu olabilece?ine inan?rsa amac?ma ula?m?? olaca??m.” Kanser te?hisi konulan en yak?n arkada??, kanserli h?creleri besledi?i bilinen ?ekerli tatl?lar? yemeye devam etti?inde, Defne Y??c? bir ?ey yapmak istedi ve ona ?ekersiz ve unsuz tatl?larla hem mutlu hem de sa?l?kl? olabilece?・・・(以下省略)
Manual Handling in Health and Social Care, Second Edition An A-Z of Law and Practice【電子書籍】[ Michael Mandelstam ] Manual Handling in Health and Social Care, Second Edition An A-Z of Law and Practice【電子書籍】[ Michael Mandelstam ] 5,147 円 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
<p><em>Manual Handling in Health and Social Care</em> is written for all those involved in the manual handling of adults or children - including those carrying it out, assessors, managers and commissioners.</p> <p>It lays out the current legal requirements in a non-technical way and includes case studies illustrating the law applied in practice, across health, social care and sometimes educational・・・(以下省略)

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